7 most important dog commands

The 7 commands listed are considered basic commands that all dogs should learn in order to have a well-trained and well-behaved pet. These commands provide a foundation for effective communication between the dog and its owner, and can help to establish clear expectations and boundaries for the dog.

  1. Sit: This command is used to train the dog to sit in a specific location, or to sit and stay in one place until released.
  2. Stay: This command is used to teach the dog to remain in one place and not move until released.
  3. Lie down: This command is used to train the dog to lie down on command.
  4. Come: This command is used to train the dog to come to its owner when called, regardless of distractions.
  5. Heel: This command is used to train the dog to walk by its owner's side, in a specific position, and to stop and sit when instructed.
  6. Off: This command is used to train the dog to get off furniture or stop jumping on people.
  7. Leave it/drop it: This command is used to train the dog to drop or leave an item when instructed. This is important for preventing the dog from eating or ingesting things that can be dangerous.

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